Saturday, October 3, 2009

Third Workshop__Fluid thoughts to action

After experiencing three different worhsop in architectural communication, i have built up a range of skills (through drawing, movie making, modelling) and knowing the importance of making linkage between two dimensional to three dimensional and viewing the world surrounding us in different ways.

Through attending the “Fluid thoughts to Actions” hosted by the patient and encouragingly tutors, Chrissie and Anton, I have learnt to observe the world around us with a spatial and interpretive mind. We look for details in the world such as the form, light and space, then we turn the 3D world into the 2D drawing by using different volume of the line, tone, form, composition, scale and rhythm.

Detail observation is an important part for us to understand the concept of movement and time surrounding us. In the workshop, we are taught to using different techniques of drawing composition, for example, overlapping, scaling, merging two different perspectives and see-through the forms of this observed building, which allows me to understand. Throughout the workshop, different drawing medium such as ink and charcoal, and variety of drawing skills like using different tone to identify the light and shadow in the world, are introduced by the tutor. Technique used in these drawings:

In this drawing, I capture the movement and action of Chrissie and Anton when they moved around the studio space by observation and then expressed it in the drawing.

Blind drawing and imaginary drawing allows us to highlight and emphasis on the geometry form of the object/ building

Two of the above drawing style allows us to consider the composition layout of each of the object we observed in our space. Composition of object shows the concepte of time and space when we move from one space to another.

Instead of using charcol, ink is used in this drawing to show the detail around us in the world- light and shadow. These are highlighted by the use of different volume of tone used in the drawing.
The merging of two different perspective in the composition layout shows the concept of time and space.

Technique used in this drawing: overlapping two different perspectives and merging two perspectives, shows the transparency of two different viewpoint.
Detail observation of the small details (brick) and form (entry and the poles) of the building are shown in this drawing

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ARCH1142_Second Workshop_ Material modelling

In the Material modelling workshop hosted by Catherine and Nokol, modelling and presentation is the most important part in this workshop. Thoughtout the workshop, i have improved on my crafting skills and gained more experiences on modelling. We are free to choose the material we are using which is best to express our ideas, this allows us to experience different matierl such as cardboard, balsa wood, playdough etc.
Besides, i have learnt the way to express and explain my ideas by using my model and collage to the audience. The most challenged part is to make linkage between the three dimensional model with our two dimensional collage which can also communicate to the viewers.

Week 1 : Produce 6 drawings within 20 minutes

Week 2: Text and form entwined_ Julia Kristeva- approaching abjection " in power of horror"

Week 3: Body, space, city

The day i visited Hype Park and walked around Circular Quay, it was a sunny and warm day. In the journey, i have spent a day walking around the park and feel the warmth of the sunlight and the gentle wind, experiencing the cheerful and quiet atmosphere. People sitting on the grass, taking photos under the shadow of the trees stc. This gives an connection between the nature and people. Besides, througout the journey, the natural environment forms a beautiful and orgainc patter; grass on the ground, tress interlocking with each other, leaves on the ground etc, just likt an artwork.

Nautre is a good thing used to decorate and embellish the city. The architect who has made good use of the nautre is Santiago Calatrava. He finds inspiration in the endlessly beautiful form of nautres. The Chioago spire is one of his representative work which use Fibonacci as his inspiration.
In this model, the roof with curved line is inspired by the shape of a leave.

Week 4: 3D Explosion - "Freedom" of mind

Freedom of mind is an important part in the process of thinking. When we are given a theme and topic of the assignment task, we can explore the topic through experiencing the surrounding environment and brainstorming the key ideas in the topic. Observe the world through feeling, touching, seeing and hearing the surrounding environment, different elements from the world inspires our mind and gives us powerful ideas. Throughout the process and experience of thinking, we have the freedom to choose the best notions, then included in our work and finally produce a beautiful work.

The coral-like balsa wood is caved with different patterns represents the different aspects and elements in our world that stimulates our mind. By the process of thinking and feeling through five sense- sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, beautiful work (butterfly) will be created.

Monday, August 31, 2009

ARCH1142_ First Workshop___Architecture in Motion

In this workshop, we have learnt to understand a place and a space through animation. Red Centre is the selected place. To produce a 20 seconds short animation, we did lots of detail observation in the building, gathering the information from our observation, then express the concepts and ideas through drawings, digital photograph and editing by using the filming computer programme. This process allows us to look at the details happening in the building, for example, the light and shadow changing from day to night, viewing the building from different perspectives, materials etc.

Spatial Element:
Wall graphics working on spaces in a room

looking at things in a different ways and perspectives

Words related to spatial element:


Depth of his space


Lighting and enclosure


Lighting gives an illumination and ignition to the space and environment. Lighting used in the Red Centre includes both light sources- artificial and natural, such as lamps and natural sunlight passing through glass to the interior space. I have chosen this spatial element because glass is used throughout the Red Centre to transport sunlight to the inside studio. Sunlight brings warmth and brightness to the interior space which provided the student a comfortable study area. Artificial lighting produced by electric lights such as fluorescent lighting and Soffit. Lighting is both decorative and functional.

Key Frames:

Idea 2:

Final submission of 20 secs Video

Monday, August 10, 2009