Saturday, October 3, 2009

Third Workshop__Fluid thoughts to action

After experiencing three different worhsop in architectural communication, i have built up a range of skills (through drawing, movie making, modelling) and knowing the importance of making linkage between two dimensional to three dimensional and viewing the world surrounding us in different ways.

Through attending the “Fluid thoughts to Actions” hosted by the patient and encouragingly tutors, Chrissie and Anton, I have learnt to observe the world around us with a spatial and interpretive mind. We look for details in the world such as the form, light and space, then we turn the 3D world into the 2D drawing by using different volume of the line, tone, form, composition, scale and rhythm.

Detail observation is an important part for us to understand the concept of movement and time surrounding us. In the workshop, we are taught to using different techniques of drawing composition, for example, overlapping, scaling, merging two different perspectives and see-through the forms of this observed building, which allows me to understand. Throughout the workshop, different drawing medium such as ink and charcoal, and variety of drawing skills like using different tone to identify the light and shadow in the world, are introduced by the tutor. Technique used in these drawings:

In this drawing, I capture the movement and action of Chrissie and Anton when they moved around the studio space by observation and then expressed it in the drawing.

Blind drawing and imaginary drawing allows us to highlight and emphasis on the geometry form of the object/ building

Two of the above drawing style allows us to consider the composition layout of each of the object we observed in our space. Composition of object shows the concepte of time and space when we move from one space to another.

Instead of using charcol, ink is used in this drawing to show the detail around us in the world- light and shadow. These are highlighted by the use of different volume of tone used in the drawing.
The merging of two different perspective in the composition layout shows the concept of time and space.

Technique used in this drawing: overlapping two different perspectives and merging two perspectives, shows the transparency of two different viewpoint.
Detail observation of the small details (brick) and form (entry and the poles) of the building are shown in this drawing

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